Infernal Corroder

The Infernal Corroder is a heavy energy weapon which functions as an anti tank small arm. It projects a stream of void particles at an enemy target effectively ripping away it's molecular structure. The mere sight of the greenish hue often strikes terror in the hearts of untrained soldiers, compounded by the bullwhip esque sharp crack it emits, which can be heard for kilometers


Type: Heavy Rifle Grip weapon
Grip type: Rifle
Caliber/Ammunition: Dark Magic imbued Tesla cell
Ammo Capacity: 6 Discharges
Weight:  10kg
Rate of fire:  12 Shots a minute
Range:  800m, Less then lethal 1400m
Muzzle Velocity: 1/2 Speed of light.
Length:  801mm
Effective Against:   Up to Medium vehicles. Moderate effect on Heavy vehicles. Low fire rate and calibration hinders anti infantry effectiveness.