GORGLITH LIKE BIG AXE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gorgy Axe

The Gorgy Axe is a primitive melee weapon constructed of a piece of Yanguian wood and cold hard steel.  Its dimensions are fairly large by human standards at exactly 1 meter long, however this is tiny tots for an average Gorgolith.Though low tech.. this weapon is incredibly lethal when wielded by a big, mean, um big Gorgolith warrior. Trust me you do not want to get hit by this thing


Type: One handed weapon
Grip type: Hand axe
Caliber/Ammunition: Melee
Ammo Capacity: Unlimited
Weight:  6kg
Rate of fire:  Melee
Range:  Melee
Muzzle Velocity: Melee
Length:   1005mm
Effective Against:   Up to Heavy infantry, Ultralight vehicles